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- guide gay de Erevan
- prévention du sida en arménien
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- Wikipédia en arménien
Comment dit-on "homosexualité" en arménien ?
Mise à jour 2009-03-20 :
1. միասեռական : miaserakan (homosexual)
2.երկսեռական (bisexual)
3.անդրսեռական կամ տրանսսեռական (transsexual)
4.տարասեռական կամ հետերոսեռական (heterosexual)
5. տարօրինակող (queer)
(source : commentaire sur Unzipped)
2 commentaires:
I`m not sure how you would say homosexuality in Armenian, but I know some words for homosexual:
Homosexual (this is the one I prefer, it`s used in many languages, including Armenian and is easy to understand)
Miaserakan (this is the pure Armenian translation, mi as in one and ser as in sex/gender. Nice word but it`s so sexually neutral and doesn`t sound so "treating". In homoSEXual you have the word sex in it and since sex is still such a taboo in Armenian culture I guess that`s the main reason why Armenian media loves to use the Armenian translation of the word)
Gay (some people have started to use this English word, but still mostly used by Armenian Americans)
Miaseramol (again a pure Armenian word, where mi means one and ser means gender and mol is usually used in Armenian medical terms for diseases, so basically this word makes homosexuality an illness)
Kaput (meaning blue and is used as a slang for gay)
Ghzik (an other slang word for gay/queer)
Gomik (a russian slang for gay)
Galuboy (Russian, meaning blue as slang for gay)
Gyot (I believe it`s a Turkish word, and very demeaning word for gay, can be translated as fagot or something like that)
What does Համասեռահակություն mean ?
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